Transparency in Utah Legislature: House approves rule limiting media access


The Utah House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a rule that limits media access to the House floor – a rule nearly identical to the one the Utah Senate approved earlier in the legislative session of 2022 despite protests from journalists over transparency and public access.

HR2, sponsored by Rep. Jim Dunnigan, R-Taylorsville, was approved in a 65-9 bipartisan vote on Tuesday.

For the past several years, accredited reporters from the Utah Capitol have been able to access the House floor to interview lawmakers immediately after the adjournment, but HR2 requires members of the media to seek and receive permission from the Speaker of the House or the person designated by the Speaker before going upstairs, whether or not the House is in session.

A previous version of the rule would have required media to obtain permission before entering House committee rooms, but Dunnigan proposed a new draft when he was heard by the House Rules Committee on Monday to clarify that it would not limit media access to public spaces such as committee rooms. .

Additionally, the rule also requires that photographers and videographers obtain permission from a committee chair before standing behind the dais in the committee room during a meeting – a provision that was also included in the Senate rule change.

At Monday’s hearing, Renae Cowley, a representative for the Utah Media Coalition, which opposed the increased limitations, acknowledged that the new House rule would likely be approved, but thanked Dunnigan for clarification on access to committee rooms.

Cowley also urged lawmakers to consider the future creation of a Utah Capitol press corps that would include House and Senate appointees, the Capitol Preservation Council and two members of the media to tackle future rules or issues.

“As you can see, doing some simple math, this committee would already be stacked in favor of the government, but it provides the media and members of the press with the opportunity to participate in some of the decisions made regarding their practice and their profession” , she said.

“If ever there is misconduct or unprofessional behavior on someone’s part, it’s the members of the press corps who pull that person out and send someone else in,” Cowley added.

Dunnigan welcomed future conversations about creating a Capitol press corps and said those conversations would continue in the interim.

“I think it’s a good idea. I really think we should consider that…I love the concept,” Dunnigan said.

When the Senate’s version of the rule was heard in committee, media representatives from several organizations, including the Deseret News, expressed concern that the new rule would make it harder to get answers from lawmakers.

On Tuesday in the House, Dunnigan said the rule was “not really designed to be restrictive. It’s just a continuation of what we’re already doing.

Dunnigan said there were no “major issues” with disruptive or intrusive media, but said he had seen a few lawmakers who felt uncomfortable having cameras looking over the top. their shoulders.

Representative Norm Thurston, R-Provo, agreed.

“I’ve seen many examples of the media waiting until the end of speaking time and coming to the floor of the House while you’re at your desk and leaning over your desk and saying, ‘Can I ask you a question “with a tape recorder in your face. … I think that’s the right direction to stop that kind of gotcha approach,” Thurston said. call your cell phone and set up a date and tell you what he wants to talk about, which is in line with his code of ethics.”

Rep. Suzanne Harrison, D-Draper, expressed concern about “restrictions on our free press,” and House Minority Leader Brian King, D-Salt Lake City, said the rule was “in the practical and certainly in perception… moving away from transparency for the media instead of moving towards it.

Rep. Steve Handy, R-Layton, raises concerns about HR2 and limiting media access in the House Chamber at the Salt Lake City Capitol on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

Kristin Murphy, Deseret News

“I know we’re just trying to tweak the rules and put them in writing, but I think the optics are terrible,” Rep. Steve Handy, R-Layton, said.

Dunnigan agreed on the importance of transparency and access to the press, saying lawmakers have a mandate to do “the people’s job.” Still, he argued that the rule is intended to give lawmakers the ability to secure their workspace, without significant impact on the press.

“All we’re saying is that for a member of the media to go back into the Chamber lounge or this hallway, they have to have permission. … We are not trying to limit the media. He is a valuable partner. We need them. We appreciate them,” Dunnigan said.

The House approved the rule with the required two-thirds majority vote. Because it’s a House rule, he doesn’t need a Senate OK. It takes effect immediately.

Contributor: Bridger Beal-Cvetko


House Minority Leader Brian King, D-Salt Lake City, raises concerns about limited media access during the HR2 discussion in the House Chamber at the Salt Lake City Capitol on Tuesday March 1, 2022.

Kristin Murphy, Deseret News


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