St. Louis-based media company announces large-scale transformation into Quillt Media


ST. LOUIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Quillt, a St. Louis-based digital media company, has officially announced its transformation into a culture-focused media powerhouse that owns and operates a growing portfolio of highly curated digital media properties for premium niche audiences.

Formerly Gateway Blend, the new entity reflects a 180-degree shift towards a cutting-edge business model focused on creating useful and usable content by leveraging premium assets to deliver a collection of brand-driven channel destinations.

“Our new name and brand identity better reflects our future and represents a place where diverse content and people come together to generate authentic conversations,” said Kasey Grelle, CEO of Quillt. “We are once again focusing on creating meaningful content for our readers and adding value to their lives.”

Quillt delivers relevant, personalized and impactful content across a diverse portfolio of brands, including:

  • Seniors Matter: An online community dedicated to improving the knowledge, efficiency and effectiveness of elderly carers by providing objective information, advice, training and the latest developments in elderly care.
  • The journey awaits you: Dedicated to travelers over 50 in the hope of bringing seniors together to share unique, hidden and unique destinations and experiences in the world.
  • The gossip cop: The only outlet in the world that verifies entertainment reporting and has been at the forefront of debunking Hollywood “fake news”.

Navigate a broken system

In 2016, shortly after being named CEO of Gateway Blend, Grelle faced a number of personal challenges. Her parents, who were both battling cancer, died within weeks of each other and her husband was in a serious car accident that resulted in a month-long hospitalization. Soon after, Grelle also gave birth to her first child.

“After running the business from hospital rooms and trying to figure out how to manage all these obligations, I saw how broken the system was and how overwhelming it was to navigate as a caregiver,” said Grelle said. “Seniors Matter grew out of that experience, and our mission to create quality content you can trust has become central to Quillt’s transformation.”

Grelle began reinventing an employee-centric corporate culture, which enabled organizational change to create content with intent and inspiration.

“The previous business model seemed hollow,” Grelle said. “After paying off $40 million in debt, the company is now completely debt free and able to focus on this exciting new direction.”

Quillt brand identity

The new name, Quillt, represents a patchwork of brands with a common goal of delivering relevant, useful, and quality content in a highly digestible, easy-to-read format.

The new logo is constructed from the bold and iconic shape of a Q. The lines represent how the company’s various brands are “stitched” together. The logo brand’s diagonal spine is a whimsical nod to a quill or an actual feather. The logo represents the company’s sub-brands and employees coming together to create authentic content.

As technology becomes a core aspect of its core competencies, the business continues to undergo fundamental shifts, shifting from shorter lifestyle content to a renewed focus on how it operates and delivers value to its end users by focusing on niche markets. As Quillt navigates this transition for the remainder of 2021, one of its primary endeavors is to create new accounts independent of the previous setup.

For more information, visit

About the quilt

Quillt owns and operates a growing portfolio of digital media properties focused on creating stories that matter. He builds a portfolio of web destinations to inform and entertain readers around the world with the goal of creating niche sites that feature engaged audiences and strong communities. To visit for more details.


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